How to get Customers Excited About Your Product

by Joseph

If you want your company’s product(s) to sell then you have to know how to get your customers excited about your product.  Too often, new companies don’t take the time to thoroughly research their audience before pitching products. Don’t make the same mistake.

Understand your customer

Before you develop and/or market your product, make sure you really understand your audience.   Know all their quirks, habits, personality traits, demographics and psychographics as well. Once you know all of those things, then you can begin to sell your product.

How do you do this? How do you make customers excited about what you have to offer? Well, there are several different things you can do. These include: “creating” a need, becoming a trustworthy source, not over selling, and killing buzz words. Following these steps will improving your sales by getting your customers excited about what you have to offer.

“Create” a Need

The first thing you need to do if you want to sell a product is to identify what problems your product will solve. Customers won’t buy from you just because your product looks cool. It genuinely needs to solve an issue they face in their daily lives. This could be anything from data organization to food storage. Make sure you take the time to research the need that your product will fill.

After you have identified the problem or need, you need to, essentially, recreate that need for your customer. When you pitch your product, explain exactly how this product will fill that need. For example, if you are selling data organization software, show the customer how your software saves time in data organization and allows them to use that time elsewhere. Identify and create the need if you want your customers excited about your product.

Becoming a Trustworthy Source

If your company has a bad reputation, no one will buy from you. So don’t let your company get a bad name. Instead, build trusting relationships with your clients and show them exactly how your product is reliable.

Ever heard of business testimonials? This is exactly where those come into play. Obtain true, honest customer testimonials to use in your selling process.

Stop Using Buzzwords

You absolutely want to avoid buzzwords, when you can, in sales. When customers hear buzzwords, such as excited or guaranteed, they could become worried. We hear those words all the time in sales and they can come across as a practiced, generic sales pitch.

A terrible mistake to make in selling your product to a new customer would be to oversell.

Getting customers excited about your product is the key to achieving successful sales. Always make sure to identify/create a need, avoid over selling, and kill your buzzwords when you pitch to a customer.

What other ways do you get customers excited about your product?

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