by Satyam Dash

Cupid is the classical God of love. The fact that he is blind is quite evident in today’s society. While we see love-birds there also exists a considerable portion of the population who are single. Being single is a matter of choice for some and some do not have any option. Whatever the reason maybe, the prevalent notion attached to singletons is that of loneliness and misery. Well, today we are going to tell you why such ideas about the ‘forever alone squad’ should be ditched.

Cupid- The classical God of love

  1. You get a lot of ‘me time’– Me time or time for ourselves is something which most of us hardly get in today’s busy world. While in college or at work we are busy struggling to meet our deadlines. We are so engrossed in our work that even when we are back at home we are busy and never really get time to unwind. When we do get breaks, the ones in relationships meet their beloved ones but the people who are single can utilise this time more productively. They can use this time to  pursue any hobby or learn some new skill. This would not only lead to mental satisfaction but also increase their knowledge.

    Reading-A productive hobby

  2. You can make quicker decisions- Being single enables you to be your own boss. You do not need to consult anybody before arriving at a decision. This not only saves time but also helps you to keep a clear mind. The ability to take quick decisions helps us in both our personal and professional lives.
  3. You get to spend more time with friends and family- People in relationships often forget that there is a life beyond that one special person. They not only neglect their friends who stood by them through the thick and thin but also do not take proper care of their parents. Singletons become more responsible individuals as they can maintain proper balance between the time devoted to their work and time spent with family.

    Spend time with your friends

  4. You can save money- This is a no-brainer. Buying things for one person is always cheaper than buying things for two people. When you  are single you can afford to be economical as quality of goods do not matter as such. However this does not hold good for couples. There is always this urge to impress one’s partner with the standard of goods used. This often makes them spend over their capacity and burns holes in their pockets.

    Your savings increase

  5. You can undertake social work- Being single does help you save both money and time. You should try to utilize this in the best possible manner. All this money and time saved can be invested in the welfare of the society. There are numerous non government organisations across the globe who are working for the underprivileged. You can help them monetarily or by simply spending some time with them. If you help an unprivileged person he is sure to love you back. They never forget the ones who help them. So isn’t the love of hundreds of people better than the love of one solitary being?

    Engage yourself in social work

  6.  Life is comfortable, you just have to feel it- How our life is depends a lot on our mental framework. So if you think a comfortable life is only one where you can go on dates with your partners you are wrong. Pamper yourself, treat yourself with what you want, surround yourself with positive people and take care of yourself. Such things would surely make your life comfortable. Always remember unless you love yourself you cannot expect any one else to do so.

Image credits- Google Images, Bing

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