5 Steps to Becoming a Problem-Solver

by Joseph

Problem-solvers are valuable employees in the workplace, as they’re trustworthy, intelligent people who will always help to provide a solution. Whether you work in an office or a building site, you will always face workplace dilemmas.

People rely on problem-solvers and admire their ability to think outside of the box. So, how do you become one? Some people naturally have the ability, but it can be learned and practiced. To develop your problem-solving abilities, we’ve compiled a list that will help you solve a problem.

1. Bring Energy to the Problem

Be energetic about the problem and see it as a fun task to solve. ESTP personality types (ESTP meaning extraverted, sensing, thinking, perceiving) are naturally good at problem-solving as they are energetic about finding a solution.

You can learn from these personality types by taking risks and being energic about discovering a solution. To create energy, it’s good to stand up, and get away from your desk chair, or change your location when you’re thinking.

2. Plainly Define the Challenge

A complex problem can quickly become confusing, which will make it hard to focus. To avoid this, discuss the problem aloud to someone and then write the problem down. Try not to complicate it but condense the problem into two or three sentences. 

If you’re stuck on what to write, the freewriting technique is good to get out your thoughts. To do this, set a timer for 5 minutes then start writing anything and everything that is in your head. Keep writing until the timer goes then underline the key issues that have occurred on the page.

3. Pick a Process

Once you have pinpointed one problem to work on, then you’re ready to discuss and stick to a process. If you’re working as a team you all must know the process, procedures, and the desired solution.

You should call a meeting to discuss your process and ensure that there will be no conflict between your team. Inspirational quotes and activities will inspire your team to keep track, as you work together.

4. Focus on the Solution

When you’ve started your process it’s important to have a set goal and solution you’re working towards. Consider the consequences of your actions such as how will your problem help or change things?

It’s crucial to know the exact conclusion you want to your problem, so you don’t get side-tracked or confused along the way. Plus, if someone asks you about your project it’s important to easily verbalize your problem and solution.

5. Keep Pushing for More

Be able to adapt to change along the way if needs be, such as if your problem changes then be flexible with your problem-solving but keep your desired result in sight. Always remember why you started!  

Once you have finished a problem, don’t stop there but keep pushing to unravel new problems to create amazing results. This will develop you as a person and will also establish you as an amazing employee.

Also published on Medium.

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