8 Key Tips for Exhibiting at Trade Shows

by Joseph

The trade show circuit obviously took a big hit because of the coronavirus pandemic. However, now that people are getting vaccinated and cases are at new lows, it seems that consumers and businesses are eager to hit the trade shows once again.

When you are figuring out what to exhibit at a trade show, you need to have business quality. After all, you’ll be spending a lot of time, energy, and money on your exhibition.

You should plan strategically for the event so that you can get a lot out of the event. Luckily for you, we are here to help you with just that.

So if you are interested in learning more, then keep on reading and we will take you through everything that you are going to want to know!

Set Clear Goals for the Trade Show

You should know what you want to get out of the trade show. How many people do you expect to stop at your booth? How many leads do you intend to get?

Do you want to move actual products? Or are you focusing on promoting your brand or getting the word out about a new item?

Of course, you can achieve more than one goal. But you need to understand what your goals are either way. Otherwise, you’ll end up without a direction and will likely waste a lot of time.

Figure out what you want your ROI to be. If you just want at least one new customer, put all of your time and attention into that one objective.

Do the Research

It is important that you pick the trade show that is going to give your company the best possible return on investment. If you want to make more sales, then you may not want to participate in the trade show where you will simply be one booth among dozens of others who are all selling the same thing as you.

Try to pick a show that is going to best target the demographic that you are trying to connect with. And it should fit your goals too.

Figure out what the point of the trade show is and determine which demographic is going to attend.

Budget and Book the Space

Learn everything you can about the space. This includes the physical conditions of the booth space, which exhibits are nearby, the lighting and acoustics, and your location on the trade show floor.

This will help you be as prepared as possible.

Think of Your Audience

Who are you trying to target with your exhibition? Are you looking for business owners? Self-employed workers?

If you are targeting a variety of demographics, make sure that you have the appropriate information for each group.

Engage in Social Media

Figure out what the Twitter hashtag is for your event. Then, post what you’re giving away and promoting.

Try to connect with the organization through Facebook and Instagram too. The more connected you can be, the more you can reach people before the event even starts.

Actively Engage People Who Visit Your Trade Booth

When people approach your trade booth, you should be friendly and welcome any and all questions. Make sure that your body language is inviting.

For example, you don’t want to stand at your booth with your arms crossed over your chest. This is going to give people the impression that you don’t want to talk to them.

You should be open and friendly with any person who visits your booth. Learn about which part of your business they are most interested in and could be helpful to them.

You should be ready to offer specific answers to their questions. You want to draw them in without overwhelming them or seeming desperate.

Have a Lot of Promotional Items That You Can Use as Giveaways at the Booth

Have a bunch of little items that people can take away and use. Place these items in places where people will need to walk into your trade show display to get them.

Bottle openers, key chains, and pens are always useful and a great way to get your name out there.

You also want to have a lot of colorful brochures and fliers. Have business cards, price sheets, and order forms on you as well. This is going to make it easy for people to find the information on your company later when they get home.

You can also use a company like Rockway Exhibits to create a booth that is really going to stand out.

Get Out from Behind the Booth

It is easy to get bored at a trade show when you are standing behind a booth all day. You might start scrolling through your phone and get antsy.

What you should be doing is standing on your feet and trying to engage with as many people as possible. You will have time later to check social media and emails. Now is the time to be actively looking for new clients.

The Importance of Exhibiting Business Quality at a Trade Show

Hopefully, after reading the above article, you now have a better idea of how to exhibit business quality at a trade show. As we can see, it’s not always easy to engage potential clients. But there are things you can do to boost your chances of success.

Make sure to check out the rest of our site for more helpful articles!

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